Objectives: to assess Knowledge and Attitude of healthcare workers toward Cadaveric Organ Donation (COD) at Menoufia University.
Background: Organ transplantation (OT) is the best and often the only solution for end-stage organ failure. Globally, there is shortage of donor organs, especially deceased ones, that can be solved by raising the willingness of the population to donate organs.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study in which a specially designed self-administered questionnaire to ascertain the state of knowledge, perceptions and consequently acceptance of COD among Egyptian healthcare providers at university hospitals in Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University and to identify factors that can influence it.
Results: A total of 647 participants completed the questionnaire. About three quarters of the professionals had knowledge about organ donation and 88.7% knew about brainstem death, only 45.6% thought human was still alive after brain stem death. Only 36.3% knew the difference between donation done either after Circulatory Death (DCD) and donation after brainstem death (DBD), and only 26.1% knew the organs that could be donated after DCD or DBD.
Conclusion: There was a lack of sufficient knowledge about the legal aspect criteria and details about cadaveric organ donation process which directly contributing in reducing the positive attitude among Egyptian medical providers.
Subject Area
Internal Medicine
Article Type
Original Study
Recommended Citation
Khamis, Said S.; Elsehit, Amany M.A.; Kasemy, Zeinab A.; and Abdelmonsif, Azza
"Knowledge and Attitude toward Cadaveric Organ Donation among Health-Care Professionals,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 38:
1, Article 5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59204/2314-6788.3278