Objectives: To investigate the possible association of estrogen hormone serum level and estrogen receptor2 gene (ER2) (rs4986938) polymorphism with coronary artery disease risk and severity in females during reproductive period. Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major global cause of mortality. Its development and occurrence are influenced significantly by multiple genetic and hormonal factors. Estrogen hormone (EH) and its receptors with the variant (rs4986938) of estrogen receptor 2 (ER2) may have potential associations with the risk and complexity of CAD. Methods: In this case control study, 100 female patients in their reproductive period who were referred to Menoufia university hospital for elective coronary angiography had molecular testing for estrogen receptor2 (ER2) gene single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs4986938) and measurement of serum estrogen level. After coronary angiography, patients with CAD had their SYNTAX score calculated.Out of the 100 included patients, 53 patients had CAD and 47 patients had normal coronaries. Estrogen receptor 2 gene (AG variant) was correlated with increased risk of CAD compared to patients with normal coronaries (p=0.049) who showed more frequent expression of AA genotype. However, no statistically significant difference was found between the two groups regarding serum estrogen hormone level. No significant correlation was found between genotype distribution and SYNTAX score or number of diseased vessels. Conclusion: Our data suggest that AG variant of ER2 gene is positively correlated with increased risk of CAD while GG variant is protective with more frequent expression in patients with normal coronaries.
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El Aziz, Sarah Samy Mansour Abd; Lasheen, Suzy Salah; Serag, Amany Ragab; Elgazzar, Abeer Abd Elfattah; and Mina, Morad Beshay
"The association of Estrogen level and Estrogen receptor 2 gene (rs4986938) polymorphism with coronary artery disease severity,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 38:
1, Article 10.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59204/2314-6788.3303
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