Objectives: To evaluate the body balance of vestibular migraine (VM) patients with and without visual vertigo on a computerized dynamic posturography (CDP). Subjects and methods: The subjects included 2 main groups: a control group of 20 healthy subjects, and the study group included 20 VM subjects with normal caloric test. The study group was further sub-divided into 2 subgroups [vestibular migraine with visual vertigo (VM-VV) and without visual vertigo (VMØVV)]. Comparisons as regards [stability index (SI), speed, surface area (SA), index of postural instability (IIP), and power indices of various frequency ranges] of the center of pressure at all six conditions were applied between control and vestibular migraineurs subgroups. Results: One-way ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences between groups (p
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Original Study
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Essawy, Wessam Mostafa; El Gohary, Mai Mohammed; and Nada, Nashwa
"Body Balance in Patients of Vestibular Migraine with and without Visual Vertigo: A study on Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP),"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 36:
2, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59204/2314-6788.1027