

Objectives: The aim was to study the effect of probiotics on physiological jaundice.


Neonatal jaundice is a relatively prevalent disease. Probiotics supplementation therapy could assist to improve the recovery of neonatal jaundice.

Patients and methods: This study was double blinded randomized clinical trial which was prospectively conducted on 88 neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units of Menoufia university hospital and Damanhour teaching hospital from January 2022 to April 2022. Infants were allocated into two groups: Probiotic group included 44 full term neonates with physiological jaundice who were given the probiotics and Placebo group included 44 neonates who were given the placebo. Both groups received standard conventional phototherapy, but the probiotic group received sachet of probiotic diluted in baby`s milk once daily until hospital discharge. The outcome variables were serum bilirubin level and the duration of phototherapy. Placebo was administered to the placebo group with 10 ml instilled water added to baby feeding.

Results: There was statistically significant decrease in duration of admission in the group received prebiotics than the group who received placebo. There was no statistically significant difference found between 2 groups regarding hemoglobin, platelets and white blood cells count, neutrophils, lymphocytes, CRP, total serum bilirubin and direct serum bilirubin at discharge, blood group and coomb's test.

Conclusion: Probiotics supplementation therapy is an effective and safe therapy option for the treatment of physiological neonatal jaundice, without discernible side effects.

Subject Area


Article Type

Original Study
