

Objective To determine any association between positive findings in ultrasonography examination and initial base deficit (BD) value in the diagnosis of intraabdominal bleeding following blunt abdominal trauma. Background Abdominal trauma is a major public health problem for all nations and all socioeconomic strata. It is one of the most prevalent trauma injuries, bringing thousands of patients into the Emergency Department annually. Patients and methods This is a prospective study conducted on 40 patients with blunt abdominal trauma, who presented to the Emergency Department of Menoufia University Hospital during the period from March 2019 to April 2020. Arterial BD was evaluated with respect to the presence of any association with intraabdominal bleeding with FAST. Results A total of 40 patients were included in this study. By FAST, there were 50% of them who had intraperitoneal free collection after trauma and 50% of the patients had negative FAST of free collection. The mean SD for age was 45.58 ± 16.35 years, where males were more than females (85 and 15%, respectively) and 32.5% of them were hypertensive and smokers. According to multivariable analysis, a statistically significant association was observed between negative admission BD and both intraabdominal bleeding. There was a significant effect of BD in the prediction of positive FAST as the P value of 0.031, so it shows a high sensitivity for high BD in predicting abdominal collection by FAST (90%). Conclusion This study revealed that arterial BD is an early accessible important marker to identify intraabdominal bleeding.

Subject Area

General Surgery

Article Type

Original Study
