

Objective To determine the strength of association of both fetal kidney dimension measurements with gestational age (GA) in appropriate and small for GA in the third-trimester pregnancies. Background Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is defined as a sonographic estimation of fetal weight below the tenth percentile for a given GA. Usual biometric parameters are not reliable in determination of GA, especially in the third trimester. Patients and methods This prospective study was conducted at El-Menoufia University Hospital on patients who routinely visited the antenatal clinic in the third trimester. The cases were subdivided into two groups: group A included patients in the third trimester with appropriate growth pattern (100 patients), and group B included patients with IUGR (lag >2 weeks between age determined by last menstrual period and that determined by ultrasound) (50 patients). The fetal parameters biparietal diameter, femoral length, abdominal circumference, and head circumference were measured with standard procedures. Renal measurements were obtained. Results Our results found that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between GA and right fetal kidney dimensions. On correlation between GA and fetal kidney dimensions in IUGR group, our results showed statistically significant positive correlation between GA and right length (mm), right transverse (mm), right anteroposterior (mm), right volume (CM3), left length (mm), left transverse (mm), left anteroposterior (mm), and left volume (CM3). Conclusion Fetal kidney dimensions, especially at 38 weeks, are most accurate single parameters in estimation of fetal GA, especially among small-for-gestational-age fetuses.

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Article Type

Original Study
