Objectives To assess knowledge, attitude, and satisfaction by premarital care (PMC) and its associated factors among attendants of Qweisna Family Health Center. Background PMC is a primary preventive approach for couples before marriage to optimize women's wellness and subsequent pregnancy outcomes. It is one of the most important strategies for prevention of genetic disorders and congenital anomalies. Hence, it will save the society and allow people to enjoy their life. Participants and methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 202 participants who attended Qweisna Family Health Center. A predesigned questionnaire was used to assess participants' knowledge, attitude, and satisfaction by premarital healthcare services. Results More than two-third of the participants had good knowledge about PMC (73.8%). The main source of knowledge was healthcare provider (44.0%). Good knowledge was significantly higher among younger spouse (20–30 years) (72.9%), females (65.8%), and who were from urban areas (57.0%). Premarital screening explored that nearly half of the participants (49.0%) had microcytic hypochromic anemia, while 15.8% had urine abnormalities. Participants' attitude was positive by 82.7%, which was significantly higher among females) 63.5%) and who were from urban areas (60.0%). Finally, about 69% were satisfied by PMC and it was significantly higher among younger spouse (20–30, years) (75.9%), and females (57.7%). Conclusion Generally; majority of the participants had good knowledge regarding PMC. The beneficiaries showed a positive attitude toward importance of the PMC program, who were very satisfied with the conducted service. Females showed good knowledge and positive attitude toward PM services. Also, participants from urban areas had good knowledge and positive attitude than rural. The level of satisfaction was higher in females and those from urban areas.
Subject Area
Family Medicine
Article Type
Original Study
Recommended Citation
Nasr Eldeen, Asmaa G. M; Alkalash, Safa H.; and Badr, Safaa A.
"Awareness, attitude, and satisfaction of Egyptian adults by premarital care services,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 34:
4, Article 14.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4103/mmj.mmj_458_20