

Objective The aim of the study is to compare between Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) and cyclodiode laser photocoagulation in the management of refractory glaucoma. Background To compare the intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction and safety of diode laser contact cyclophotocoagulation (DCPC) and AGV in cases of refractory glaucoma. Patients and methods This study was a prospective, consecutive trial. Patients were recruited from the Eye Outpatient Department at Menoufia University Hospital, Egypt. The study was conducted on 20 eyes of 20 patients. Patients were divided into two groups, with 10 patients each. All patients underwent a baseline complete ophthalmologic examination and IOP measurement before and after 1, 3, and 6 months of follow-up. Complications were recorded. Group I underwent AGV surgery and group II underwent DCPC. Results There was no significant difference among group I and group II regarding age, sex, and preoperative IOP. The mean postoperative IOP after 1 month for group I was 14.80 ± 4.10 and was 25.0 ± 6.68 for group II, with a significant difference (P = 0.004). The mean postoperative IOP after 6 months for group I was 19.10 ± 5.74 and was 20.0 ± 7.44 for group II, with no significant difference (P = 0.436). In patients with AGV, the most frequent complication was hyphema. In patients with DCPC, eye pain was the most frequently observed complaint. Conclusion Greater IOP reduction was achieved by AGV, but the difference between it and cyclodiode laser was not significant. AGV had more serious complications.

Subject Area


Article Type

Original Study
