

Objective To assess the oncological outcomes of supracricoid laryngectomy in moderately advanced laryngeal cancer. Background Recently supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL) with cricohyoidopexy (CHP) or cricohyoidoepiglottopexy (CHEP) and other surgical laryngeal preservation protocols have undergone major advancement to treat early and moderately advanced laryngeal tumors. SCPL with CHEP and CHP preserves the airway and laryngeal sphincter function with considerable decrease in the amount of risk of aspiration. Patients and methods A total of 10 patients with moderately advanced laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (T2b toT4a) who were fit for surgery were recruited from two different specialized care centers in Egypt and India from January 2017 to January 2018. Patients with interarytenoid area involvement, cricoarytenoid joint involvement, pre-epiglottic space invasion, or subglottic extension were excluded. Results Patients were mainly T3 (four patients). They underwent SCPL with CHP in four cases and with CHEP in six cases. Preservation of one arytenoid was done in nine patients. The local control rate was 100%. Aspiration occurred in two cases. Both pexy rupture and salivary fistula occurred in one case. Removing of nasogastric tube and decannulation of tracheostomy were done in seven and six cases, respectively, before 1 month. Conclusion SCPL with CHEP and CHP was an effective treatment option with excellent oncological outcomes for T2b–T4a laryngeal cancer. Specific efficacy was revealed in cases with anterior commissure or paraglottic space involvement. Low rate of complications was reported in our study.

Subject Area

Tropical Medicine

Article Type

Original Study
