

Objective The aim of the paper was to assess and describe frequency of scabies in patients attending dermatology outpatient clinic in Quesna Hospital, Menoufia Governorate. Background Scabies is a neglected health problem worldwide. It is a highly contagious skin disease that affects both males and females of all socioeconomic status. It is related primarily to poverty and overcrowding. Clinically, it presents as a small erythematous papulovesicular rash, generally symmetrical. Patient and methods This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in the outpatient clinic of dermatology at Quesna Hospital. The calculated sample was 370 patients. Patients were assessed using semistructured questionnaire. Examination was conducted for all patients. Data collected were analyzed using Microsoft Excel SPSS version 16 software programs. Results In this study, 27 cases were diagnosed as having scabies, giving a frequency rate of 7%, and 343 (93%) patients were diagnosed as not having scabies. Of the patients with scabies, 48.1% were males and 51.9% were females. The most common age ranged from 30 to 49 years (33.3%). Scabies was more prevalent among families of larger size (44.4%), with crowding index less than 2 (55.6%), and with low socioeconomic level (92.6%). Itching increased at night in 96.3% of the patients. Conclusion It is clearly shown by our study that personal hygiene plays an important role in the development of scabies. Respondents who share towel with others are more prone to development of scabies.

Article Type

Original Study
