

Objective The aim of this study was to analyze patterns of face injuries, the relationship between face trauma cases and instruments used, type of injuries, and outcome at Menoufia University Hospital. Background Among the innumerous injuries seen at trauma centers, facial trauma is one of the most prevalent, as the face is the most exposed and least protected part of the body. Patients and methods The present study was conducted on patients presenting with facial trauma to Menoufia University Hospital from the period between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2014, regarding demographic data, types, instruments used, causes, and radiological pattern. Retrospective data were collected from files (January 2014–June 2014), and the prospective study was carried out between July 2014 and December 2014. All cases were included in the study after obtaining valid written consent for examination and photography. Results The total number of patients with facial injuries during the study period was 1038 patients. The most common age group among injured cases was 30– less than 50 years; 61.1% of facial injuries were due to assault, followed by 35.3% accidental injuries. The clinical outcome revealed that 68% of injured cases improved, whereas 17.5% of cases suffered from complications [e.g., scar (7.9%), facial deformity (7.7%), and infection (1.9%)]. 6.2% of the injured cases suffered from impaired function, and 4.4% of cases suffered from loss of function, whereas 3.9% of injured cases died. Conclusion and recommendation Pan facial traumas led to complications, loss of function, and had a high mortality rate. Strict legislation against violence and stricter implementation of traffic rules must be followed.

Article Type

Original Study
