

Objectives The aim of this study was to perform review studying the effect of different environmental disruptors on normal puberty and occurrence of its disorders. Data sources PubMed, Web of science, Wiley Online Library, Central Authentication Service, and Astrophysics Data System were searched. The search was performed from 1 September 2016 to 15 October 2016. Study selection The initial search presented 250 articles. The researches that met the inclusion criteria were six articled. The articles included physiology of puberty in male and female individuals, puberty disorders, endocrinal disruptors, and effects of endocrinal disruptors on puberty. Data extraction Data from each eligible study were independently abstracted in duplicate using a data collection form to capture information on study characteristics, interventions, and quantitative results reported for each outcome of interest. Data synthesis There was heterogeneity in the collected data. It was not possible to perform meta-analysis. Significant data were collected. Thus, a structured review was performed. Conclusion Puberty marks a transition between childhood and the adult reproductive stage. It is a vulnerable stage of life, and deregulation has been linked to increased health and psychosocial problems. Puberty development is a multifaceted process that is under the control of different hormonal regulatory mechanisms. Both steroid and nonsteroid hormones were vulnerable to disruption by environmental chemicals. It had also become clear that although the initial focus was on synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and industrial pollutants in the environment that disrupted endocrine activity, a wide variety of chemicals, including those in food, could alter endocrine signaling. Evidence is accumulating that exogenous hormone disruptors may advance or sometimes delay puberty.

Article Type

Original Study
