

Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the role of vitamin D and its deficiency in pediatric critical illness. Methods Medline databases (PubMed, Medscape, ScienceDirect) and all materials available in the Internet from 2003 to 2016. The initial search presented 98 articles, of which 32 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The articles studied the role of vitamin D and its deficiency in pediatric critical illness. If the studies did not fulfill the inclusion criteria, they were excluded. Study quality assessment included whether ethical approval was obtained, eligibility criteria were specified, there were appropriate controls, there was adequate information, and defined assessment measure. Comparisons were made by structured review with the results tabulated. Results In total, 32 potentially relevant publications were included. The studies have identified that vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency are associated with poor clinical outcomes in all pediatric age groups. These disorders are especially prevalent in critically ill patients. The data related to vitamin D deficiency and morbidity and mortality are varied, but in larger studies, it has been associated with major adverse effects on clinical outcome and mortality. Conclusion We found that vitamin D plays a major role during the course of several critical diseases in the body such as critical diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, renal systems, etc. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with poor clinical outcomes in all populations. These disorders are especially prevalent in critically ill patients.

Article Type

Original Study
