Objective The aim of this work was to study biomarkers as indicators of personalization of medicine (PM) for colorectal cancer (CRC). Background PM is considered to be the medicine of the future, as the scope of interest has shifted to patient-specific treatments and remedies. The understanding of human genomics improves the capability of better understanding diseases from the genetic perspective, which is particularly useful in treating CRC. Biomarkers are considered indicators that help in evaluating the prognosis of CRC; in fact, they are now considered to be reliable indices for the diagnosis and leveling of the different stages of cancer. Methods The author performed a narrative synthesis of studies for biomarkers in personalization of CRC. Therefore, relevant publications were identified, reference lists were examined, and citation searches were performed. No restrictions on date or type of study were applied. Recent findings Biomarkers are actively engaged in managing PM of CRC, as determined for diagnosis, follow-up, and progress of the treatment and also to select the appropriate treatment. Conclusion It would be recommended to use these biomarkers in clinical practice worldwide. Nevertheless, challenges arise in the implementation of biomarkers as diagnostic and prognostic tools because logistical and infrastructural improvements are needed.
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Ageely, Hussein
"Review on personalized colorectal cancer,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 30:
3, Article 1.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4103/1110-2098.218285