Objective The aim of this study was to compare the effect of Wies procedure with that of Jones procedure in the primary repair of lower eyelid involutional entropion. Background Involutional entropion (senile entropion) is a general instability of the lid structures with age with inward rotation of the eyelid margin. The eyelashes rub against the inferior cornea and bulbar conjunctiva causing irritation. This finally leads to impaired optical function of the ocular surface. Different methods have been described aiming at treating one or several of the etiological factors of the involutional entropion. Patients and methods In the current comparative prospective study, 30 patients (31 eyelids) with senile lower eyelid involutional entropion without horizontal eyelid laxity were selected and divided into two groups. Group 'A' included 16 eyelids of 15 patients that were corrected using Wies procedure and group 'B' included 15 eyelids of 15 patients that were corrected using Jones procedure. Results In the group subjected to Wies procedure, during the follow-up period (6 months), 12 (85.7%) cases were successful, two cases were missed from follow-up, and two (14.3%) cases were unsuccessful (undercorrection in one case and recurrence in the other). However, in the group subjected to Jones procedure, 14 (93.3%) cases were successful and only one (6.7%) case was unsuccessful (overcorrection occurred). In the Wies group, nine (64.3%) cases showed cosmetically accepted results and five (35.7%) did not. However, in the Jones group, 12 (80%) cases showed cosmetically accepted results and three (20%) cases did not (P = 0.03). In the Wies group, eight (57.1%) patients were satisfied and six (42.9%) were not. However, in the Jones group, 13 (86.7%) patients were satisfied and two (13.3%) were not (P = 0.55). Conclusion Jones procedure is more likely successful, cosmetically acceptable, and satisfactory to the patients compared with Wies procedure.
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Original Study
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Kamel El-Sobky, Hoda M.; Mohammed Allam, Mona M.; and Mandour, Sameh S.
"Wies procedure versus Jones procedure in the surgical correction of acquired lower eyelid involutional entropion,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 30:
2, Article 29.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4103/1110-2098.215452