Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different techniques of fat grafting on improving the esthetic outcome of facial scars. Background Control of facial scarring is one of the most difficult challenges in surgical practice, and represents a difficult therapeutic problem facing plastic surgeons to achieve good results. To date, no gold standard exists for the treatment of scar tissue. Autologous fat grafting has been introduced as a promising treatment option for scar tissue-related symptoms. However, the scientific evidence for its effectiveness remains unclear. Patients and methods This study was conducted on 30 patients with obvious facial scars. Patients' age ranged from 8 to 48 years. Patients were selected randomly to be treated with fat grafting. The abdomen and thigh were the most commonly chosen donor sites. Fat was processed to be injected at the dermohypodermal junction (microfat grafting) or intradermal injection (nanofat grafting) was used. Results Fat grafting proved to have a significant role in scar remodeling. This was measured clinically by the Vancouver Scar Scale. Regarding patient satisfaction with cosmetic appearance, 15 cases were evaluated as excellent, eight cases were evaluated as good, and five cases were evaluated as fair. Conclusion Autologous fat grafting has a significant role in facial scar remodeling and provides a beneficial effect on facial scar tissue and scar-related conditions with not only esthetic results but also functional results. Significant improvement in scar appearance, skin characteristics, and restoration of volume and three-dimensional contour is reported.
Article Type
Original Study
Recommended Citation
Elsakka, Dalia M.; Ghareeb, Fouad; Zayed, Hossam M.; and Alkhateep, Yahia
"Improving esthetic outcome of facial scars by fat grafting,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 30:
2, Article 15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4103/mmj.mmj_718_16