Volume 30, Issue 1 (2017)
CD73, a potential diagnostic marker in Egyptian patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Eman Ahmady, Eman Abdelrazek, Iman El-Tonsy, Manal Monir, and Nahla Osman
Health-related disorders on occupational exposure to chromium in a leather tanning factory (Menoufia, Egypt)
Faten E. Younis, Gaafar M. Abdel Rasoul, Heba K. Allam, Mahmoud E. Abou Salem, and Zeinab A. Kasemy
The role of apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism in psoriatic patients and its relation to disease severity
Ayman K. Abd El-Hamid, Ghada H. A. Neanaa, and Shawky M. El-Farargy
Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance among adolescents in Menoufia governorate, Egypt
Hala M. Gabr, Hewaida M. El Shazli, Omiyma A. Mahrous, Rabie E. Al Bahnasy, Reda A. Ibrahem, and Shaimaa S. Soliman
Comparative study between elderly with medical problems living in endwelling houses and with families in Banha City
Engy A. El Sayed Saleh, Hala M. Shaheen, and Safaa A. Badr
Factors affecting the quality of voice in early glottic cancer treated with radiotherapy
Abds El-Hay R. El-Assy, Ayman E. Abd El-Aziz, Hanan A. El-Shourbagy Eissa, Hossam El-Dessouky, Ibraheem A. Abd El-Shafy, and Mohamed A.S. Baraka
Sexual harassment among female students of Menoufia University
Gaafar M. Abdel-Rasoul, Nesreen K. Mohammed, Taghreed M. Farahat, and Zeinab A. Kasemy
Humming bird sign', 'Mickey Mouse sign', and 'morning glory sign' in progressive supranuclear palsy
Muhammed Jasim A. Jalal and Murali K. Menon
Measurement of waist circumference as a screening tool for type 2 diabetes mellitus in female patients
Ahmed A. Shoaib, Mostafa H. Abd Elaal Elghanam, and Nabil A. ElKafrawi
Surfactant protein D in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Elsayed S. Abou Elnour, Mai A.H. Abou Elenin, Naglaa M. Ghanayem, Rabab A. El Wahsh, and Rania M.A. El-Shazlya
Application of platelet-rich plasma preparation rich in growth factors in knee osteoarthritis
Laila M. Montasera, Marwa K. Mesregah, Mohamed A. Helwa, and Taher A. Eid
Health disorders among workers in a plastic factory in Egypt
Aziza Saad M. Elbadry, Gaafar M. Abdel Rasoul, Heba K. Allam, Mahmoud E. Abu Salem, Olfat M. Hendy, and Omayma A. Mahrous
Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of ankle impingement
Eman R. Abdou Sileema, Mohamed S. El-Zawawi, and Osama M. Ebied
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography in malignant obstructive jaundice
Ashraf A. Zytoon, Mahmoud A. Abdel Hady, and Zeinab A. Ali
Evaluation of cases of rickets that presented to the outpatient clinic of rickets in the National Institute of Neuromotor System in Giza
Ali M. El Shafie, Mohamed A. Samir, Mohamed H. El Sabagh, Radwa G. Mahmoud, and Zein O. Abd El Latif
A comp arative study between successful weaning and weaning failure from mechanical ventilation by using transthoracic echocardiography
Elham M. El-Feky, Mohammed H. Afifi, Mohammed F. Abd El Aziz, and Waleed Abdo
Preoperative MRI evaluation of mesorectum in cases of rectal carcinoma
Mohammad S. Abdullah, Mohammad R. El-Kholy, and Rania A. Abd El Samei
Relationship between serum apelin and cardiac parameters in hemodialysis patients
Ibrahim El-Sayad, Khaled M.A. El-Zorkany, Mohamed Nouh, Mohamed Helwa, and Mustafa El-Nagar
Vaginitis among married women attending primary healthcare in Tanta District, El-Gharbia governorate , Egypt
Aml A. Salama, Dina H. Abdl-Sameh, Mahmoud E. Abu Salem, and Mohammad M. Alkot
Results of using the Ilizarov method for correction of complex foot and ankle deformities in skeletally mature patients
Ahmed Zayda, Emad Badawy, Hazem El-Tayeby, Hesham Ghoneem, and Khaled Emara
Peripheral giant cell granuloma: An unusual clinical presentation
Amitandra K. Tripathi, Charanjit S. Saimbi, Neelu Verma, and Vivek Kumar
Patient satisfaction and compliance in family practice
Hany A. Abdel Wahab, Hewida Alshazly, and Mohammad Alkot
Prolactin contributes to the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia in patients with hepatitis C virus
Alaa E. Abdelsala, Ali Z. Glal, Mohammed A. Abdelhafez, Nahla F. Osman, Sabry A. Shoeib, Walaa M. Elgheriany, and Waleed S. Eldin
Growth differentiation factor 15 as a marker of ineffective erythropoiesis in patients with chronic C virus infection
Ashraf Y. El Fert, Iman S. Osheba, Mohamed A. Helwa, and Omaima M. Abbas
Viral hepatitis: an unsung killer disease
Geetha Mani, Kalaivani Annadurai, and Raja Danasekaran
Mental health among working women in Tala District, Menoufia Governorate
Aml A. Salama, Mahmoud E. Abo Salem, and Noha A. Allam Negm
Medication knowledge as a determinant of medication adherence in geriatric patients, Serse Elian City, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt
Abd El-Rahman A. Yasin, Aml A. Salama, and Walaa Elbarbary
Impact of compliance to therapy of congenital hypothyroidism on the neurodevelopmental outcome in Sharkia Governorate
Eman A. Elshorbagy, Nagwa N. Hegazy, Taghreed M. Farahat, and Walaa S. Mohamed
Disruptive behavior disorders among basic-learning schoolchildren at Quweisna District, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt (2014/2015)
Eman G. Saleh, Mohammad M. AlKot, Nora A. Khalil, Safa H. Al Kalash, and Taghreed M. Farahat
Effect of exercise and melatonin on fructose-induced hepatic dysfunction in a metabolic syndrome rat model
Elsayed S. Abou-Elnour, Gergess S. Hanna, Ghada S. Amer, Heba R. Salem, Hesham A. Abdel-Razek, and Suzy F. Ewida
Role of magnetic resonance in evaluation of urinary bladder cancer
Ashraf A. Zytoon, Sameh M. Azab, and Walaa A. Abo Samak
Multislice computed tomography in the evaluation of portosystemic collaterals in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension
Adel M. El Wakeel, Heba S. Abdel Ghany Ellaban, Osama L. El Abd, and Tarek F. Abd Ella
Evaluation of the role of CD44 as a cancer stem cell marker in colorectal carcinoma: immunohistochemical study
Ayat G. Lasheen, Enas A. B. Elkhouly, Hayam A. Aiad, Nancy Y. Asaad, and Nanis S. Holah
Study of the role of allergy diagnosed by immunoglobulin E in the etiology of pediatric otitis media with effusion
Ayman A. Abd-Elfattah Ali, Hatem A. Hasanin Salama, Hosam A. Hussin Omar, Mohammed K. Mohammed El-Sharnoby, and Mona S. Eldin Habib
Iron deficiency anemia among preschool children (2-6 years) in a slum area (Alexandria, Egypt): an intervention study
Fady M. Elgendy, Gafar M. Abdel-Rasoul, and Mostafa L. Abd Elrazek
Low back pain among attendants to a Family Health Center in El-Dakahlia governorate, Egypt
Aliaa F. Ahmed, Hala M. Shaheen, Mahmoud M. Hadhoud, and Omima A. Mahrous
Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into vascular endothelial cells: the future revascularization therapy in ischemic tissue
Hala G. Metwally, Rasha I. Nor El-Din, Rawhia H. El-Edela, Seham A. Khodeer, and Thoria A. Abd El-Hameed Omar
Angiogenesis in various endocrinal disorders
Ali Zaki Galal, Menna Allah Khairy Mohammed Rashad, Said Sayed Ahmed Khamis, and Sanna Sayed Gazareen
Exploring the role of color-coding in ensuring delivery of quality-assured healthcare services
Ramasamy Jegadeesh, Shrivastava R. Saurabh, and Shrivastava S. Prateek
Angiogenesis in liver cirrhosis
Ashraf G. Dala, Ibrahim M. Boghdadi, Osama I. Oaf, and Tarek E.M. Koraha
Liver X receptor α: does it have a role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo?
Mohammed A. Shoeib, Noha M. Nor-EldinnElkady, Ola A. Bakry, and Sherin M. Atallah
The current situation regarding awareness about female genital mutilation among men working in schools of Benha City, Qaluobia Governorate
Fatma M. Salah Eldeen, Hala M. Shaheen, and Zeinab A. Kasemy
Assessment of left ventricular performance in patients with aortic regurgitation: a strain rate imaging study
Ahmed H. Al Sayed Soliman, Ghada M. Soltan, Mohamed F. El Noamany, Mohamed O. Taha, and Walaa F. Abd Alaziz
Assessment of immune response to hepatitis B virus vaccine in chronic hemodialysis patients
Hosam I. Mohammed, Sally M. El-Hefenawy, and Shaymaa F. Mohamed
Plasma vitamin C concentration in chronic kidney disease: Comparison between diabetic and nondiabetic patients
Alaa Eldine A. Dawood, Mohammed S. Rizk, Nabil A. Elkafrawy, and Saad M. Mohammed Elgengaihy
Evaluation of lymph node harvest using intra-arterial methylene blue injection into ex-vivo colorectal cancer specimens
Eman A. Ahmed, Mahmoud M. H. Khalil, Mohamed S. Ammar, and Olfat I. Elsebai
Relation between serum androgen levels and dyslipidemia in acute coronary syndrome
Amr A. Zewain, Ibrahim Elmadbouh, Morad B. Mena, and Walaa F. Abdelazez
Study of iron deficiency anemia in children with febrile seizures
Ali M. El-Shafie, El-Sayed S. Abou El-Nour, Mahmoud A. El-Hawy, and Zeinab M. M. Barseem
Biochemical and histopathological changes in the brain of albino rats treated with profenofos and the possible protective effect of vitamins C and E
Amira M. El-Seidy, Safaa A. Amine, Samy M. Badawy, Samy A. Hammad, and Shireen R. Abdou Slima
Study of demographic and clinical characteristics of bronchial asthma patients in Mahalla Chest Hospital during the period from March 2013 to February 2014
Ali A. Mabrouk, Amal A. Abd El-Aziz, Dalia A. Kashlana, and Mohammed A. Agha
Seroprevalence of human parvovirus B19 immunoglobulin G in children with hematological disorders and healthy children
Ahmed A. Aly Salama, Amal F. Makled, Mahmoud A. Elhawy, and Seham A. El Shorbagy Eissa
Protective effect of garlic oil on furan-induced damage in the pancreas of adult male rat
Gehan El-Akabawy, Mostafa M. El-Habiby, Neveen M. El-Sherif, and Sara G. Tayel
Light and electron microscopic studies of chronic renal failure using an adenine rat model
Fatma El-Nabawia A. El-Safti and Shireen A. Mohammed
Pulmonary complications for predicting mortality among major burn victims
Mohammed A. Megahed, Noha B. Abd El-Azeem, Osama F. Mansour, Rabab A. El-Wahsh, and Rana H. El-Helbawy
Role of interleukin-33 in patients with chronic hepatitis C in Menoufia University Hospitals, Egypt
Ahmed A. Salama, Atef A. Ali, Esraa E. Elmahdy, and Nahed A. El-Ragehy