

Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of female genital mutilation (FGM) among women attending Manwahla family health unit and compare between circumcised and uncircumcised women on their awareness (knowledge) and attitude toward FGM. Background FGM, circumcision, is one of the oldest and the most controversial surgical procedures performed worldwide and is almost universal. In Egypt, the practice was nearly universal until recently. FGM has no health benefits, and it harms girls and women in many ways. Participants and methods This study was carried out in Manwahla family health unit from 1 March 2015 to the end of May 2015; the sample included 400 married women selected from among interview attendants to Manwahla family health unit using a validated predesigned questionnaire to assess the prevalence of circumcision among them and other variables related to awareness and attitude toward FGM. Results The prevalence of FGM was 83%. The mean age of the studied participant was 31.1 ± 6.9 years. Approximately 53.2% of the women studied were of low socioeconomic status; the main causes for conducting mutilation were the belief that it was good for girls, 35.2%, and because it is a tradition, 33.8%. The study found that 64.3% of circumcised women had good knowledge, whereas 74.6% of noncircumcised women had good knowledge, and both circumcised and noncircumcised women had a high positive attitude, 63.4%, among circumcised women and 74.6% among noncircumcised women. The frequency of circumcision among daughters of the groups studied was 17.7% among circumcised women and 5.2% among uncircumcised women. Conclusion The FGM is wide spread their is no well established knowledge and negative attitudes. Maintaining the chastity of a woman and preserving tradition are the backbone causes for it's persistence.

Article Type

Original Study
