Prevalence of hypertension and its associated factors among cotton textile workers of Kannur, Kerala
Introduction Hypertension is a challenging disease in developing countries like India as majority of the cases remain undiagnosed in the community. Work related mental stress, improper diet, smoking, alcoholism and high level of oxidative stress are important factors which may contribute for development of hypertension among the cotton textile workers. Objectives To estimate the prevalence of hypertension and identify its associated risk factors among cotton textile workers of Kannur. Methodology It was a cross-sectional study conducted in Kannur district from Dec 2013 to Aug 2014. Sample size required for the current study was 400 and it was calculated using the formula 4pq/l2. There are 35 cotton textile factories in Kannur out which 3 were selected using simple random sampling. These factories have various departments such weaving, spinning, dyeing, blowing, carding, roving, cone winding and packing. Using systematic random sampling, the required number of sample was selected. Data was collected using a pre-tested questionnaire among individuals aged 18 years and above. JNC-8 criteria were used for diagnosis of hypertension. Data analysis was done on SPSS 19. Results The prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension among cotton textile workers was 22.3% and 38% respectively. Increasing age, alcohol consumption, family history of hypertension, BMI >25 kg/m2 and high waist-hip ratio were found to significant risk factors of hypertension. Conclusion The prevalence of hypertension among cotton textile workers was on par with the prevalence in general population of India which is 21%. Health education on behaviour change should be regularly conducted among the workers of these factories in order to reduce the risk factors of hypertension.
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Original Study
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Ismail, Imaad Mohammed and Binub, Kanniyan
"Prevalence of hypertension and its associated factors among cotton textile workers of Kannur, Kerala,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 29:
4, Article 29.