Objectives The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) among different healthcare workers (HCWs) with respect to nosocomial infections in the National Liver Institute. Background Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are infections that patients contract while receiving treatment for medical or surgical conditions. They are considered a serious problem in the healthcare services as they are common causes of illness and mortality among patients. HCWs are at high risk for acquiring HAIs and for transmitting to their patients and close contacts. Participants and methods A total of 100 HCWs, including physicians (n = 20), nurses (n = 60), and housekeepers (n = 20), were included in the study. A questionnaire was administrated to them to assess their KAP with respect to nosocomial infections. A scoring system was devised to grade the KAP scores. They were further subjected to another similar questionnaire after an interval of 2 months based on an education module. Results Comparison of the preintervention and postintervention scores for the total study population showed a significant increase in the postintervention cumulative KAP score, as well as in the KAP scores. Housekeepers, compared with nurses, showed the best response to the health education intervention with a significantly higher percentage change in the KAP score (P = 0.005). Conclusion Nurses had higher levels for attitude and practice with respect to HAI control measures compared with physicians and housekeepers. Continuous education and in-service training on prevention of HAIs is mandatory to protect HCWs, especially housekeepers.
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Original Study
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Abdel-Aziz, Azza M.; Abdel-Rasoul, Gaafar M.; Youssef, Marwa F.; Mohamed, Omaima A.; Al Bahnasy, Rabei A.; and Mourad, Wesam S.
"Effect of an educational health program on the knowledge, attitudes and practices of healthcare workers with respect to nosocomial infections in the National Liver Institute, Egypt,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 29:
4, Article 28.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4103/1110-2098.202486