Objectives Study expression of cadherin-17 (CDH-17) in normal liver tissue and nonmalignant liver diseases. Background CDH-17 is present in the fetal liver and gastrointestinal tract during embryogenesis, and becomes silenced in healthy adult liver and stomach tissues. CDH-17 functions as a peptide transporter and a cell adhesion molecule to maintain tissue integrity in epithelia. Aberrant expression of CDH-17 occurs in major gastrointestinal malignancies including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), stomach and colorectal cancers and is clinically associated with tumor metastasis and advanced tumor stages. The aim of this study was the identification of expression of CDH-17 in normal liver tissue and nonmalignant liver diseases. Materials and methods This retrospective study included 99 cases of nonmalignant liver diseases, divided into 66 cases of cirrhosis adjacent to HCC, 22 cases of cirrhosis without HCC, seven cases of chronic hepatitis C virus infection, two cases of hepatocellular adenoma, two cases of focal nodular hyperplasia in addition to seven cases of donors for liver transplantation as a control group. Paraffin blocks were retrieved from the archives of Department of Pathology, National Liver Institute, Menoufia University during the period between March 2007 and March 2015. Results Regarding CDH-17 immunoexpression, 36 out of 66 cases of cirrhosis adjacent to HCC were positive, whereas all cases of each of cirrhosis without HCC, chronic hepatitis C virus infection, hepatocellular adenoma, focal nodular hyperplasia and liver donors were positive. Both the histoscore and the percentage of CDH-17 expression were high significantly increased in cases of cirrhosis without HCC than in cirrhosis with HCC (P < 0.001). Conclusion This study revealed positive expression of CHD-17 in normal adult liver tissue and in nonmalignant liver lesions, which may signify that it has the same function as the classical cadherin family.
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Original Study
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Abdelnaby, Abdelnaby S.; El-Azab, Dina S.; Ayad, Hayam A.; and El-Gammal, Shaymaa S.
"Immunohistochemical expression of cadherin-17 in normal and nonmalignant liver tissues,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 29:
4, Article 26.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4103/1110-2098.202518