Background Serum CA19-9 is a tumor marker with high sensitivity to pancreatic cancer. It is considered an easy, cheap, fast, and noninvasive tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer pancreas, which is one of the medical problems that has high morbidity and mortality rates. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical value of serum CA19-9 levels in predicting the resectability of pancreatic carcinoma, provided the tumor is resectable on computer tomography basis. Patients and methods In this retrospective study, serum CA19-9 levels were evaluated in 48 patients with pancreatic cancer in whom there was a possibility of resection on the basis of imaging. The patients were presented and treated at Menoufia University Hospitals and Damanhour Oncology Center during the period from January 2012 to December 2014. Results Resectable pancreatic cancer was detected in 38 (79.2%) patients and unresectable pancreatic cancer was detected in 10 (20.8%) patients. CA19-9 gave positive results (>39 U/ml) in 43 (89.6%) patients. The cutoff value of CA19-9 was 439.15 U/ml. Conclusion and recommendations Preoperative CA19-9 serum level is a useful marker in further evaluating the resectability of pancreatic cancer. Significantly increased serum level of CA19-9 can be regarded as an ancillary parameter for unresectable pancreatic cancer. CA19-9 level in combination with computer tomography has higher sensitivity in the determination of the resectability of pancreatic cancer and thereby benefits in avoiding unnecessary laparotomy and prevents its morbidity.
Article Type
Original Study
Recommended Citation
Elsesi, Alaa A.; Moustafa, Asem F.; and Elmarakby, Mostafa H.
"Clinical value of serum CA19-9 levels in evaluating resectability of pancreatic carcinoma,"
Menoufia Medical Journal: Vol. 29:
3, Article 12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4103/1110-2098.198697