

Objectives To discuss the pathophysiology of morbid obesity in pregnant ladies and the anesthetic management of morbidly obese parturients. Background The association between obesity and pregnancy can result in further limitation of parturient physiological reserve. Indeed, maternal obesity is associated with an increased risk of delivery and postpartum complications. Conclusion Complete understanding of the physiology, pathophysiology, comorbidies and their implications for anesthesia and analgesia in morbidly obese parturients should lead to improvement of safety and anesthetic care. 2- Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Objective To determine the anesthetic and obstetric complications in morbidly obese parturient that had caesarean delivery. Data analysis was preformed through a search on the pub med, Google and ovid medline data base. Recent Findings early epidural analgesia during labor is valuable and that regional anesthesia is usually preferable, but a number of challenges arise. Conclusions Morbidly obese women experienced increased complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Due to the high rate of caesarean sections and the potential difficulties of emergency anesthesia among these women, epidural anesthesia during labor should be planned and administered as often as possible.

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