

Objective The aim of this study was to determine the efficiency of P1 as an objective tool for verification of hearing aids in children. Background Hearing loss in childhood interferes with the normal development of speech. The use of hearing aids improves speech perception. Cortical auditory-evoked potentials (CAEPs) (dominated by a large P1 response) may be a good tool for assessment of hearing aids. Patients and methods In this study, 200 children ranging in age from 3 to 6 years were divided into two groups: the control group (50 volunteers), which included children with normal hearing sensitivity, matched for age and sex with the study group, and the study group, which included 150 children with sensorineural hearing loss. This group was subdivided as follows: subgroup a (group with well-fitted hearing aids), subgroup b (poorly fitted group), and subgroup c (not wearing hearing aids). All were subjected to a full assessment of history, psychosocial evaluation, otological examination, basic audiological evaluation, and the CAEPs test, which was performed serially each month for subgroup a for 15 months. Results The P1 wave dominates the CAEPs as it appeared in 100% of the normal children. The N1 wave, in contrast, did not appear in all individuals. In the study subgroup a, P1 appeared with longer latency, which led to a decrease in hearing aid usage to normal after 15 months. Children of subgroup b showed less improvement in P1 latency. In subgroup c, only very few children gave for P1 with delayed latency. Conclusion P1 is reliable for the evaluation of hearing aids. It appears in all children and usually improves to normal values after 15 months of using suitable hearing aids. The N1 wave, in contrast, is not a reliable wave.

Article Type

Original Study
