Volume 28, Issue 1 (2015)
Revascularization versus revascularization and repair in moderate chronic ischemic mitral regurgitation: a randomized trial
Ahmed L. Dokhan, Mohamed A. Khalil, Mohamed T. Abdulmonem, and Mostafa F. Abu ollo
Study of inguinal versus retroperitoneal approach in the treatment of varicocele
Ayman Ahmed Omar, Hesham Shafik Abou Greda, and Mohamed Samir Aboulfotoh
Free anterolateral thigh flap in head and neck reconstruction
Fouad Mohammed Ghareeb, Mohammed Abdullah El-Nahas, Shawky Shaker Gad, and Yasser Mohammed Elsheikh
Surgical outcome of endoscopic versus microscopic trans-sphenoidal approach for pituitary adenomas
Adel Mahmoud Hanafy, Essam El-Din Gaber Saleh, Hossam Abdel-Hakeem Elnoomany, Mohamed Ahmed Aly Eltabl, and Yousry Mahmoud Eladawy
Comparative study between primary versus delayed peripheral nerve repair after various types of injury
Abdel Azim Labib Elhoseny, Ashraf Abdulhady Zeineldin, and Moharram Abdel Samie Mohammed
The outcome of bilateral subfrontal approach of large olfactory groove meningioma
Adel Mahmoud Hanafy, Ahmed Fathy Sheha, Essam El-Din Gaber Saleh, Hossam Abd Al Hakin El Noomany, Magdy El Sayed Rashed, and Yasser Bahgat El-Sisi
Comparative study between the conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy and clipless cholecystectomy using a harmonic scalpel
Hatem Soltan, Moharam Abd Elsamie, Nehad Abdo Zaid, Reda Mohamed Eltiras, and Said Ibrahim El Mallah
Different modalities for the management of bilateral cleft lip
Ayman A. Omar, Dalia M. Elsaka, Mohammed S. AboShaban, Tarek F. A. Keshk, and Yasser M. Elsheikh
Comparative study between «SQ»onlay«SQ» and «SQ»sublay«SQ» hernioplasty in the treatment of uncomplicated ventral hernia
Ahmed Hosny Ibrahim, Ahmed Sabry El-Gammal, and Mostafa Mahmoud Mohamed Heikal
Evaluation of intraperitoneal and preincisional port site local anesthetic use in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Ahmed Essam AlKafrawy, Hatem Mahmoud Sultan, and Nehad Abdo Zaid
Dead space obliteration for reducing seroma formation after mastectomy and axillary dissection
Abd El-Monem F. Mohamed, Alaa A. El-Sisi, and Naglaa F. Amer
Evaluation of modified Alvarado score in the diagnosis of suspected acute appendicitis
Fawzy Abu-Bakr Bakr, Hesham M. Emam, Moharram Abdel-Samie Mohamed, and Samir M. Kohla
Patterns and management of congenital nasal clefts
Ahmed Mohammed Al Barah, Awatef Al-Sayed Farghaly, Fouad Mohamed Ghareeb, Hossam Hassan Abd Al Raheim Fawzy, and Yasser Mohammed El Sheikh
Immunomodulation in critically ill septic patients
Ghada A. Hassan, Mohamed A. Azkol, Safaa M. Helal, and Sherif I. Zalat
Multiple doses versus single-dose methotrexate protocols for the management of some cases of ectopic pregnancy
Ahmed H. Metwalli, Osama A. Elkilani, and Tarek M. Sayyed
The value of nuchal translucency measurement as an early predictor of congenital fetal malformation
Ahmed Nabil Abd El Hamid, Alaa Masoud Abd El Gayed, Mahy Nabil Mahmoud Egiz, and Ragab Mohamed Dawood
Surgical management of congenital scoliosis
Ahmed Ibrahim Zayda, Ashraf Abdel Aziz Abdel Raouf, Mahmoud Mohamed Hadhoud, and Yasser Hasan El Miligy
Safety and efficacy of bipolar TURP in management of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Fatma Ahmed Elserafy, Mohamed Nabil El-Helbawy, Mohamed Marzok Abd-allah, and Tarek Mohamed Abd-Elbaky
Clinical and radiological assessment of transanal endorectal pull-through in children with Hirschsprung«SQ»s disease
Ahmed Sabry EL-Gammal, Ahmed Mohamed Nabil, and Magdy Ahmed Loulah
Endoscopic endonasal surgery in orbital decompression and orbital reconstruction
Abdel-Khalek Ibrahim El-Saadany, Ayman Aly Abd El-Fattah, Heba Abd El-Rehem Abd-Allah, Hosam Adel Hussein Omar, and Omar Abd El-Moneem El-Banhawy
Comparison of oral misoprostol and oxytocin for labor induction in prelabor rupture of membranes at term
Ayman A. Shabana, Nabih I. El Khouly, Osama A. El Kilani, and Shereen M. Tayel
Serum insulin and C-peptide levels as markers of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women
Abeer H. El Shalakany, Alaa M. Abdel Gayed, Mohammed A. El Sayed, and Youmna M. Murad
Incidence of amblyopia in the Menoufia University outpatient clinic
Hoda Mohamed Kamel El-Sobky, Khaled El-Ghonemy Said Ahmed, Moataz Fayez El-Sawy, and Sherif Mohammed Ibrahim Sakr
Biomarker predictors of survival in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia
Amera A. Elhendy, Asmaa E. Salama, Elham M. Elfeky, Moataz M. Eltaweel, Mohamed H. Afifi, and Neven M. Soliman
Management of pre-existing regular astigmatism in phacoemulsification
Dina Said Gawish, Khaled El-Gonemy Said-Ahmed, Mostafa Kamal Nassar, and Osamaa Abd-Allah Al-Morsy
Validity of P1 testing as an objective tool for hearing aid verification in children
Ahmed Abd El-Moniem Ragab, Ahmed Mahmoud Zein El-Abedein, Madiha Mohammed El-Mousely, and Mohammed Kammar El-Sharnouby
Resurrection of the Amsler chart in macular diseases
Mostafa Mohammed M. Diab, Moustafa Kamal Nassar, and Nermeen Mahmoud Badawi
Phacoemulsification versus manual small incision cataract surgery for treatment of cataract
Eslam AA El-Shafy, Hoda MK El-Sobky, Nermeen M. Badawy, and Saber H. El-Sayed
Macular thickness analysis following complicated versus uncomplicated cataract surgery using optical coherence tomography
Abdelrahman El-Sebaey Sarhan, Mohamed Gaber Abdallah Abdallah, and Osama Abdallah El Morsy
Risk evaluation for cerebrovascular accident in cases of retinal vein occlusion
Ahmed A. El-Adly, Faried M. Wagdy, Hassan G. Farahat, and Osama A. El-Morsy
The effect of prophylactic laser barrage treatment before phacoemulsification in high myopia
Hatem Mohammed Marey, Kareem Mohamed Abdelreheem, and Moustafa Kamal Nassar
Treatment of humeral shaft fractures by a single elastic stable intramedullary nail in children
Ahmad Abd El-Azeem Abosalim, Ahmad Fouad Shams El-Din, and Hesham Mohammed El-Mowafy
Scheimpflug camera changes after cross-linking for keratoconus
Abdel Khalek Ibraheem El Saadany, Mark Frederic Berge Ananian, Moataz Fayez Abdel Hameed El Sawy, and Mohamed Saad Al-Balkini
Evaluation of the results of management of acute extensor tendon injuries of the hand
Mohammed Ahmed Kadah
Role of retrograde short nail in the treatment of supracondylar femoral fractures (extra-articular type A)
Ahmed Mohamed Rushdy Nassar, Bahaa Zakarya Mohamed Hassan, and Hisham Mohamed Zaki Elmowafy
Assessment of left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending flow in composite arterial bypass grafting
Ahmed Labib Dokhan, Mohamed Sabry Abd Elmotellib Hussien, Mostafa Farouk Abo olo, and Yahia Balbaa Anwar Balbaa
Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis versus open reduction and plate fixation of humeral shaft fractures
Amr Eid Darwish, Mahmoud Mohamed Hadhoud, and Mustafa Mohamed Kamel Mesriga
Bimanual microincision versus coaxial phacoemulsification cataract surgery
Abeer M. Wahba, Amin F. Ellakwa, Nermeen M. Badawi, and Saber H. El-Sayed
Laparoscopic versus open repair of perforated duodenal peptic ulcer: a randomized controlled trial
Adel S. Zedan, Magdi A. Lolah, Mohammed L. Badr, and Mohammed S. Ammar
Bilateral central lymph node dissection with thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer
Ahmad F. El-Kased, Ahmad S. El-Gammal, Hossam A. El-Foll, and Tarek H.A. Abu El-Nasr
Randomized comparative study of Ligasure versus conventional (Milligan-Morgan) hemorrhoidectomy
Alaa Abd El Azeem El Sisi, Mohamed Sabry Amar, Mohamed Ezzat El Sayed, and Olfat Issa El Sebaei
Comparison between VY flap and rhomboid flap in the treatment of pilonidal sinus
Asem Fayed Moustafa, Ashraf Abdulhady Zeineldin, and Ibrahim Ayman Ibrahim Saadeldin
Oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery
Abdelmoniem F. Mohamed, Ahmed M. Al-Barah, Ayman A. Shmilla, Mahmoud A. Elkhateb, Moharram A. Mohammed, and Soliman A. El-Shakhs
Concomitant repair of moderate tricuspid regurge in patients undergoing mitral valve surgery
Ahmed Labib Dokhan, Hany Mehany Mohamed, Islam Moheb Ibrahim, and Yahia Mohammed Alkhateep